European Biosensor Symposia

European Biosensor Symposia (EBS)

The EBS conference series is rooted in Europe, but open to all contributions devoted to the exchange of scientific ideas, achievements and experiences in the field of biosensors. It comprises all areas of biosensor research – from recognition elements, transduction methods, immobilization strategies, via materials and system integration to theoretical modeling and, eventually, application. Because of its interdisciplinary nature, the EBS series also embraces contributions from neighboring areas of research such as nanosciences, microfluidics or bioenergetics, to name just a few. The EBS series was initiated in Potsdam in 2017, originating from the very successful German Biosensor Symposia (DBS) which were regularly held between 1999 and 2015.

The EBS takes place every two years. It has a strong focus on young scientists at the start of their academic career. The symposia aim at creating a platform for lively discussions around oral presentations and various poster sessions, accompanied by overview lectures from experienced scientists. Highlights of each symposium are the honoring of the best young conference participants with awards for the best poster and oral presentations, as well as the stimulating conference dinner which is an integral part of the conference for all participants.

Scientific Committee

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5th EBS - 2025 (Taragona, Spain)

Date: 26.-29.10.2025
Chairs: P. Marco

4th EBS - 2023 (Aachen, Germany)

Date: 27.-30.08.2023
Chairs: M. Schöning, P. Wagner
Abstract Book

Registered Participants: 225 (including 90 students)
Submissions: 195
Countries: 18

3rd EBS - 2021 (Wildau, Germany; online conference)

Date: March 9-12, 2021
Chair: F. Lisdat
Abstract Book

Registered Participants: 250 (inclusive of 138 students)
Submissions: 162
Countries: 27

2nd EBS - 2019 (Florence, Italy)

Date: February 18-21, 2019
Chairs: M. Minnuni, F. Baldini
Abstract Book

Registered participants:  223 (inclusive of 76 students)
Submissions:  209
Countries: 24

1st EBS - 2017 (Potsdam, Germany)

Date: March 20-23, 2017
Chairs: U. Wollenberger, F. Bier
Abstract Book

Registered participants: 222 (inclusive of 80 students)
Submissions: 194
Countries: 27

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